Meet Singles Who are Cuddlers

Search results for Women & Men in your area who love to hug and cuddle.

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Search Results: 1 - 10 of hundreds of free personals.

29, Concord, GA
"Nice to meet you!"
I'm looking for someone to cuddle up to at night, someone to comfort, a back to scratch
Interests: Massage, Large Breasts, Kiss, Back Rubs, Cuddle, Feet
24, Near You, NY
"Hard and ready"
I want to eat you from behind before I slowly slide in bite your neck and fill your
Interests: ED, Oral, Creampie, Small Cock, Curvy, Cuddle
51, Catonsville, MD
"Looking for sweet feminine connection"
I'd love to find a woman that would like me as a girlfriend to cuddle, talk about
Interests: Lingerie, Cuddle, Watersports

Free Cuddling Personals:

Are you looking for singles to date near you that love to #cuddle.
In this CyberDating category you'll find find singles who express their love with a hug and a cozy cuddle. Our #Cuddling online personals are totally free and 100% anonymous so you've got to try them out without your friends judgement. Don't settle for dating personals where all they want is sex when you really just want a passionate companion who knows when it's time to cuddle. We have thousands of friends and lovers in hundreds of niche categories @ CyberDating. You'll find tons of local women and men who need your hugs and cuddles. Give us a try now - you never know who you'll meet..

25, Saint Augustine, FL
"My name is leo"
I want to meet up and get together before I go home tomorrow
Interests: Open Minded, Christians, Cuddle, Football, Camping
25, Modesto, CA
"Number ^ hmu"
I love sex although I'm a virgin, lol. But it's not like I don't know what I'm doing
Interests: MIL Fs, Grannies, Cuddle, Rough Sex, Sports
31, Near You, NY
"I like to play some basketball, looking for nice hot girl"
Looking for whatever I can get you know. I would be overjoyed if you were a nice tits and
Interests: Slim, Massages, Discreet, Cuddle, Nice Tits
46, Englewood, CO
"Looking pretty much fora lot fun, love long sex sessions."
I am into licking pussy, anal, rough sex, and long sweaty sessions. Three way ok. Just
Interests: Running, Biking, Outdoors, Cuddle, Petting, Anal, Rough Sex
37, Hsnnibal, MO
"Im a nympho not small and no stds ever"
I'm into a lot of things not sure what all to say just ask me. I'm into girls not big if
Interests: Learning, Sex, Positions, Walk, Cuddle, Discreet, Outdoors
33, South Gate, CA
"Passion and make love"
I am looking for a person who is passionate, likes to talk, and have
Interests: Cuddle, Makeout, Passion
52, Burlington, NJ
"let's do this"
I've always been a one woman man. I am honest and know how to and am willing to
Interests: Read, Cuddle, Chatting, College Hookups, Movies, Tall

The Cuddling Dating Personals Category:

If you want to meet a romantic partner, CyberDating may be your new favorite online dating site. Search our personals for free and you'll find women and men who love to cuddle and hug. You'll find tons of local singles for some great cuddling and companionship. Sign up now and see who you'll find near you that wants to be your cuddle buddy. It's all free at CyberDating!.

Did you know that, in addition to our totally free dating personal ads and pictures, we have "Cuddlers" themed, chat rooms, cams, message boards, photo galleries and videos? Check them out - it's all totally free at CyberDating.

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